July Leadership Academy
July 26-30, 2021 - Delivered Virtually
Don’t wait for someone else to make you a leader. If you’re going to lead others, lead yourself to the coaching you need to become a true leader.
The Advanced Academy builds and expands on prior leadership training, knowledge, and experience, helping higher education leaders become more effective as change agents and system influencers.
Taking a more global look at higher education, the Academy converges theoretical research and discoveries, practical experience and discussions, and surveys and case studies to accelerate credibility and enhance leadership capacity.
Participants explore and apply strategies that inspire trust, confront bias, establish team resilience, and align vision to reality so they lead with integrity and create an inclusive organizational culture.
View information about July Foundation Academy.
What is the Academy?
The Academy is a premier leadership development organization for higher education and organizational leaders globally. Our mission is centered around advancing academic and administrative leadership across all levels of higher education... [view more]